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Research Survey: Health Maintenance Practices of Clinicians and What They Advise Their Patients

Posted about 6 years ago by Elaine Crain

The researchers: Colleen Carr, Erika Donohue, Sneha Lad, Timothy Lopez, and Kaitlyn Twomey (3rd year PA students) along with Laura Goshko, faculty advisor, are conducting a research study to determine whether or not there is discrepancy between what health care providers- including MD, DO, PA, NP, RN- instruct their patients and the health choices they make themselves. This project is being completed as part of an ongoing research requirement needed for completion of a Master of Science through Seton Hall University’s Physician Assistant Program, through which the researchers are enrolled.  We anticipate that this study will also benefit in raising awareness of this matter.

Previous speakers, preceptors and available providers that are certified Physicians (MD, DO), Advanced Practitioners (PA/NP), or nurses (BSN/MSN/RN) who are currently in practice are eligible to participate.  Participation and completion of the survey is completely voluntary and anonymous, no identifying data (i.e., names, addresses) will be collected. By completing the survey, the user provides informed consent. The data will be stored by the principal investigator in a secure, locked site.

Partaking in this study will require you to fill out a survey regarding your personal health practices and patient education. You can access the electronic survey, “Health Maintenance Practices of Clinicians and What They Advise Their Patients” using the link below. You can discontinue completing the survey at any time without penalty. The survey consists of multiple choice, fill-ins and true/false questions and should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete. There is no risk associated by completing the survey.  If you have already completed this survey, please do not complete it again.

If you would like to participate in this study, please click the following link:

The Seton Hall University Institutional Review Board has approved this research study. Any questions concerning the study may be addressed by contacting the principal investigator, or, Laura Goshko, faculty advisor at

We thank you, in advance, for your cooperation and participation in this survey.


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