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A study to better understand how nurse practitioners make decisions

Posted over 12 years ago by Elaine Crain


I am a doctoral candidate at the University of Illinois-Chicago College of Nursing and a member of AANP. For my dissertation, I am conducting a study to better understand how nurse practitioners make decisions. I am writing to request your help in recruiting subjects for the study as the contact person for your AANP group. 

I am seeking to recruit nurse practitioner students currently enrolled in a master's program as well as practicing nurse practitioners with a mix of experience and clinical backgrounds. I was wondering if you could send this out to your group of practicing nurse practitioners. 

The research protocol was reviewed by the University of Illinois at Chicago Office for the Protection of Research Subjects and was determined to be exempt minimal risk research. I would be happy to provide a copy of the exemption determination. 

I have attached an information letter for potential subjects. This letter can be used by you to send out to practicing nurse practitioners. Study participation for the subjects involves completing online questionnaires and case vignettes. There is an incentive offered for participation. The survey link is and is also included in the attached letter to subjects.  

Thank you very much for considering helping me to recruit subjects for my study. Please let me know if you have any questions. I can be reached by email at or by cell at (773) 213-4989. My advisor is Dr. Julie Zerwic and her email is

Jennifer Tiffen, MS, APN
Doctoral Candidate, University of Illinois at Chicago