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MAAPC Needs Assessment 2012

Posted about 12 years ago by Elaine Crain


The 2012 Board of MAAPC had a strategic planning meeting in January 2012 and, basing our future progress on a book entitled: Race for Relevance – 5 radical Changes for Associations by Harrison Coerver & Mary Byers, we would like to restructure our association into a viable one for the future.

As Advanced Practice Clinicians (APCs), we know change can be both scary and difficult. But it is up to us to mentor today’s new practitioners and students in their pursuit for excellence and to help shape the future of health care in a rapidly changing world 

Please take a moment and answer a few questions that will help us redefine our mission for you and all Maryland APNs: Click Here

If you have any ideas and suggestions outside this survey, please let us know at

Follow us on Facebook, Twitter (@TheMAAPC), join our new Linked-in group, and visit us at

In Independence & Partnership,

Elaine M. Crain, MSN, CRNP 

MAAPC Secretary, Greater Annapolis Coordinator.