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Pink Floyd, 1973

Posted about 14 years ago by Elaine Crain

Money, get away 

Get a good job with more pay 

And your O.K.


Money, it's a gas

Grab that cash with both hands

And make a stash


Pink Floyd, 1973


So here is the ‘reality’ message. The Maryland Coalition of Nurse Practitioners needs your help. All these emails and information I have been sending come at a price. No, no, not for me but to the hard working, honey-tongued lobbyist, Van Mitchell (not Morrison), we have working on our behalf.

So we need your support as we work for your future.

Please join our community and cause, or donate to this specific venture.

Go to and select either Membership app or MCNP Pledge form and help us make the NPs of Maryland free and economically strong.

New car, caviar, four-star daydream. Mine and yours. On the dark Side of the Moon, Elaine



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